Sugar stimulates the growth of cancer cells
And fuel the vicious cycle of cancer development. This discovery may contribute to the creation of special diets for os b with cancer.
During the nine-year project, which began in 2008 under the direction of Johan Thevelein, Wim Verees and Veerle Janssens, the researchers focused on observing and pr bie understanding of the phenomenon that re relying on the fact that com Cancer cells convert much more sugar into lactate than com rki healthy. Since this is one of the significant features of the com cancer recs, the process is intensively studied and used to detect tumor m zgu. However, it was not known whether it is a cause of cancer , or perhaps their effect.
The Belgian researchers conducted their study on yeast, which re in this case constituted an ideal model organism. Their com rks contain proteins „RAS”, commonly found in human com tumor cells. The researchers observed the activity of these proteins and extremely active sugar metabolism in yeast.
– We noted that in yeast, sugar breakdown is linked via p Å‚product called fructose-1,6-bisphosphate with activation of RAS proteins. These proteins stimulate the proliferation of zar n yeast rec as well as cancer. It is striking that this mechanism has survived over the long evolutionary journey from yeast to humans – m i prof. Johan Thevelein of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie.
Why sugar is unhealthy?
Thus, scientists have noted that sugar awakens and stimulates the development of j com cancer rec.
– Our research has revealed how b excessive consumption of sugar by the com cancerous tumors leads to a vicious cycle of uninterrupted simulation of cancer development and growth, adds Prof. Thevelein.
The link between sugar and cancer has far-reaching implications, not just in terms of prevention. Perhaps it will become the basis for developing special diets for patients in with cancer. Of course, the discoveries made on yeast require further research on higher organisms.
Sugar solidifies – sounded the advertising slogan. With a false message, because sugar harms. The Belgian study is another that re calls into question the wisdom of eating sugar in ogre le. While carbohydrates are necessary in our diet, the white or brown crystals from the candy bar – Certainly not, and you can only benefit from eliminating sugar.
Another indication The lesson comes from a Belgian discovery for wasps b, kt re struggling with cancer. They will not lose out on significantly reducing or giving up sugar altogether (not to be confused with carbohydrates!) now, before further studies of the effects of sugar on com rk cancer. Giving up sugar is associated – also for them – exclusively with health benefits. It may turn out that just in this group – with higher.